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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-04-16 23:01:20



Stinky tofu就是臭豆腐啦。虽然“豆腐”也可以用bean curd,但tofu这个字已经广为使用。“牛肉”的总称是beef,“小牛肉”是veal。“牛”也分为cow(母牛)、bull(公牛)、ox(阉割的牛)、calf(小牛),总称为cattle,名字相当多样。“猪肉”的总称是pork。一般所说的“猪”是pig,而“阉割的公猪”称为hog,食用的猪则叫做porker。“公鸡”是cock,“母鸡”是hen。Chicken除了“鸡肉”的意思之外,也有“稚嫩”、“胆小”、“懦弱”等含意。Lamb是“小羊肉”。一般的“羊”称为sheep,“公羊”称为ram,“阉割的公羊”称为wether,“雌羊”称为ewe。还有,“鹿”的总称是deer。“雄鹿”称为stag/buck,“雌鹿”为doe,“小鹿”为fawn。

说了这么一大堆,还是先来听听我们这期的对话吧。这次对话发生在一个叫做Burger Queen 的快餐店。Jim都点了些什么好东西呢?


ASSISTANT: Welcome to Burger Queen! What can I get you?

JIM: Er, I'll have a hamburger, and French fries, please.

ASSISTANT: Regular or large?

JIM: Large, please.

ASSISTANT: Do you want to have anything to drink?

JIM: Yeah, I'll have a cup of coffee.

ASSISTANT: Okay. That's a hamburger, large French fries and a cup of coffee. Is that for here, or to go?

JIM: For here.

ASSISTANT: Okay. That's three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50), please.

下面的这段对话依然发生在Burger Queen,只不过服务员是个才上岗的新手。

New Assistant: Hello, what do you want?

Customer: A sandwich, and an apple pie.

New Assistant: No drink at all?

Customer: A large Coca-Cola.

New Assistant: You must eat them here.

Customer: Why should I?

New Assistant: You must pay $4.50.

咦,是不是觉得这个新来的服务员吃了枪药?于是顾客也反唇相讥,搞得点餐跟打仗似的,真是大倒胃口。其实解决之道就是文明服务。多用useful and polite expressions,尤其是要把 please挂在嘴边。

文明服务,文明点餐,这其实就是餐饮文化的精髓之一。悠悠万载事,上下五千年。餐饮文化源远流长,各领风骚。在中国,一提起食物,we are most probably interested in the color, smell and taste of our food. Taste is especially important when we Chinese think about food。然而在美国,一提起食物,人们更多想到的是健康饮食的问题。That's why they care about the high calorie or low calorie content of their food. If they take more calorie than necessary, they think they might become fat and they don't want that. They like organic food with no addictives because they think that kind food is more natural and thus is good for health。



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